Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 1- Day 7!

Hey everyone! I just want to say that it feels so good to talk to you all! haha. Even though I'm not really talking.. idk. haha. But everything is going great here! I love Haiti. SO many incredible things are happening everyday and it is so incredible. It is extremely difficult to get into words how truly incredible God is and also to explain what it is like here. I guess coming into Haiti, I had the mindset that it was going to be so different than America, but it is similar in ways. I mean, don't get me wrong it is extremely different but I guess what I'm trying to say is that God is still the same God in Haiti that He is in America. People are still people in Haiti and families are still families. The culture here is very different. Things that would be scary in America are just considered "regular" here. For instance: A man walking towards you with a machete isn't necessarily coming at you with a weapon, but more along the lines of a tool! And when a man asks if you are married.. yeah, that's really weird. But, despite all of the crazy stories that I could go on and on about, God is still THE incredible God.

God is working in so many different ways in my life. Lets call it "The Big Picture". It is so important to go through our day to day lives actually living a committed life to God. Have you ever wondered why it is so extremely hard to to devote everything in your life completely to God? Yeah, me too and it doesn't quite make sense as to why that is. I mean when you really break it down it all comes down to God. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is so easy to get caught up in the little things that don't necessarily matter in the big picture that God has created. God is really challenging me to examine my heart this week and ask myself what is my focus, and what are my motives? Are my eyes constantly focused on Gods Will?

I think it is super crucial to have your vision set on Gods timing, Gods will, and Gods picture.

"God give me your eyes"

I miss you all so much and I seriously think about all of you all the time!! Thanks for all of your prayers! Love Yall!


1 comment:

  1. Hey- So Glad you are doing great! We miss you at PDP:) Enjoy this time! Gin
