About Haiti

Why Haiti?

Through studying of the Bible, I have come across many verses about missions. I truly believe that it is our job as children of God, to not only pray for the people in need, but to also be a servant. Matthew 20:26-28 says “It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” I am called to serve and I feel as though Haiti is in a great amount of need.  Haiti is in desperate need of a stable economy. The lack of market activity has led to tremendous unemployment, starvation and poor education. These are some statistics that I find extremely terrifying:
•The World Food Program reports that food supply covers only 55% of the population.
•Haiti ranks among the worst three countries in the world in daily caloric intake per person.
•42% of children less than five years of age suffer from stunting of growth.
•Literacy rates in Haiti for the general population were 45% in 2010.
•Unemployment is now 90% in Haiti and 80% of Haiti’s people live in poverty.
•There are over 400,000 children without parents in Haiti.
•There are still over 17,000 children in Mission of Hope’s surrounding area that will never go to school, due to lack of money and lack of schools.